Erie St. Clair Community Care Access Centre
Strategic Plan 2010-2013
Across Ontario CCACs enable all Ontarians access to quality health care through key support services. Following the Erie St. Clair CCACs active consultation with their community, they developed a Strategic Plan to synthesize this collaborative vision.
For the design of the Strategic Plan the Erie St. Clair CCAC emphasized their desire for boldness and impact. To achieve this, we developed Erie’s plan at a unique size, a 5 inch x 5 inch flip booklet that included both English and French. Working with the established CCAC colour palette we developed the design using a series of waves and gradients in varying positions to create both unity and interest. We then incorporated screened black and white imagery to compliment the bright colour scheme, without competing with it. In addition, through photographs showing diverse people groups we were able to suggest Erie’s main focus: commitment to individuals.