Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2012
In response to Ontario’s Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), the OPS developed a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. This plan outlined OPS’s strategy for becoming the first organization to fully comply with IASR legislation.
The title (and theme) of the plan was Leading the Way Forward. To visually support this concept, we incorporated three-dimensional arrows in the OPS Diversity logo colours. These coloured arrows made each section heading more dynamic and differentiated the sections. We also applied a slightly larger point size to body copy, used size and colour to contrast headings and sub-headings, and included abundant white space for a more visually accessible document.
However, true information and communications accessibility begins with the file set-up. In the creation of the document we applied heading styles, tags and bookmarks that could be understood by different assistive technologies. When we subjected the final PDF to a series of accessibility tests, OPS’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan passed with ease!